Some words are more persuasive than others. Experienced copywriters know how to use these words to their advantage. Here are 6 powerful marketing words that you can use to stimulate your browsers and generate more sales for your business:

You and Your

When it comes to reading marketing copy, people are selfish. They want to feel that they are being spoken to directly, and that the product or service will benefit their life on a personal level. Even the most thoughtful, considerate people still want to know how your product or service directly benefits them. Therefore, “you” (or even better, a customer’s name) is one of the most powerful marketing words you can use, as it appeals directly to a customer’s sense of identity. Did you know that when people hear their names, it lights up specific, unique regions of the brain?


This word is one of the most persuasive words that a copywriter can use, because a guarantee eradicates risk and therefore increases your customers’ willingness to buy. However, you need to be cautious when using this word, because if you promise something you need to be able to deliver it. Never make assertions that you can’t back up, and never make promises that you can’t realistically keep.


marketing copy persuasive


Everyone likes free stuff: free samples, free trials, buy one-get one free. Even if the person doesn’t particularly want the product or service being offered, if it is free, they will likely choose to have it anyway. Dan Ariely’s famous Lindt Truffle versus Hershey’s Kiss experiment found that when a group were offered the Truffle for 15 cents and the Kiss for 1 cent, 73 percent chose the truffle. But, when both prices were reduced by 1 cent (14 cents for the Truffle and 0 cents for the Kiss), 69 percent went for the Kiss. So, while we might turn our noses up at things that are considered ‘cheap’, we can’t pass up getting something for free.

For more information, see the psychology of free stuff.


The word ‘results’ can work to offset the hesitation that your customers feel when it comes to making a purchase. People hate ambiguity, and they fear wasting time or money on something that might not work.

A great way to show your customers the real-life, proven results of what you offer is to include testimonials or reliable statistics from previous satisfied customers. Never promise results that you can’t realistically provide, as intentionally misleading your customers is unethical and will be damaging to your brand.


People are busy. Therefore, if you can offer them a product or service that will genuinely make their lives easier, you are likely to make a sale. Customers want to solve problems and make their lives better – not simply buy things. People also tend to choose the path of least resistance when solving a problem. So, if you can solve a problem and make solving this problem easy, you have a winning formula. Highlighting the ease of your product or service in your copy will help your customers to imagine how much easier their lives will be if they use your product or service.


Any sort of temporal words, such as “instantly,” “now” or “immediately” are hugely important to copywriting. Why? Because we all have a tendency to procrastinate and shun work, and because several MRI studies have shown just how fired up our mid-brain gets when we envision instant rewards. Once again, only promise what you can realistically deliver.

In Conclusion

When using the words above, make sure that you incorporate them naturally, truthfully and sparingly into your copy. The effectiveness of the words depends on their context, and they won’t work if they appear spammy or obvious. Also, don’t be guilty of making a fundamental copywriting mistake: misleading claims. This will only hurt your business in the long run. Before you use any of the words above, make sure that you evaluate the risks, use them with caution and make sure that you can prove your claims.

According to Entrepreneur, “Make sure you clarify any claims that could appear misleading. For example, rather than saying, ‘We have the lowest prices,’ your copy could be more compelling as ‘Shop by September 30 to get the lowest prices of the year.’ In this example, not only does the revised copy clarify the offer, but it is also a more effective call to action, creating a sense of urgency.”

Hint: make sure to use these words very sparingly in email marketing campaigns, as they flag up as spam. Why? Because they are highly persuasive words that are often used in sales campaigns.

Want more copywriting tips? Check out Global Copywriting – a great resource for useful copywriting tips, advice and opinions.