Money Back Guarantee

180 Day Double Your Money Back Guarantee

Try Messages On Hold with Smart On Hold for 180 days, see for yourself how many more sales you’re making, talk to your callers about how they feel about your brand through your On Hold system and watch the number of hang-ups drop.

If at any time during the first 180 days you don’t feel as though we’ve delivered on all our promises through our On Hold Message and you want to leave you’re free to do so and we will refund double the fees you have paid us. That’s how confident we are that you’ll love working with us, and will want to work with us for years to come.

Why Get Phone Answering Service Through Smart On Hold?

Smart On Hold was founded in 2003, with years of experience in the On Hold industry, and unlike many competitors, we focus on helping our customers generate more sales and enhancing their brand rather than looking for ways to charge more.

We’re so confident that we’ll deliver you exceptional results through your Messages & Music On Hold that we don’t force you into a long-term contract. You can leave us any time you like and move to a competitor, but we know that our service, packages and guarantees will mean that your On Hold system will be the best it can with Smart On Hold. We believe we should keep you as a customer because of our service and results, not because we tied you into a contract.

And if at any time within the first 180 days of working with us you don’t feel as though we’ve delivered on our promises you can leave and we will refund double the money you paid us.

As a result we have hundreds of happy customers and dozens of glowing testimonials. And even though we offer our 180 day double your money back guarantee, to date no client has ever taken it up. In fact, our first ever client remains with us today and refuses to consider any other options!