Sales, we all want them and how exciting it is when leads start coming into your business, after your Marketing finally begins to pay off, as you have mastered it. But now the real work begins … Your Follow up and closing sales! Closing is something a lot of people have trouble with and we know why;

How are you making sure that you are not losing your prospects to your competitors?

The first impression …

This is a very important step and everybody knows this. Whatever happens during this interaction will stay with your prospect, always. Whether they turn into a customer or not this is a very important step because it lets them know what the standard of service etc. will be throughout their entire relationship with you. It can also be the deciding factor as to whether the prospect buys from you or not…

The follow up …

This is the step that becomes EVEN MORE IMPORTANT in order to get sales. Statistics say that 48% of people NEVER follow up with a prospect! That’s almost HALF of businesses that, after spending money, time and effort on Marketing your business to get a prospect, then fail to do anything with it. Is this maximizing your return on investment? No. So make sure that you get your staff into the habit of following up – today!

But how long should you follow up with a prospect for?

So let’s say you make a follow up call, brilliant! You’re doing better than HALF of the other businesses out there. Then what do you do? You follow them up, again!

I know you may be thinking “But how many times should you contact them?” Well, many people will contact their prospects a couple of times and that’s it … this is good, but how about an amazing follow up system? Because statistics have shown that;

“80% of sales are made on the 5th to 12th contact”

That’s right … all of those people that didn’t follow up lost their sales and that’s great news for you. Even better are the rest of the people who only make 1 or 2 calls/emails … They are all leaving prospects on the table for you to follow up, and YOU become top of mind for when they are ready to make their purchase/commitment.

So What Should You Do?

Make the most of EACH and EVERY prospect … by becoming a follow up focused business.

Don’t let prospects slip by, because of lazy employees or lack of follow up procedures. They are not hard to implement; you just need to set out what you expect to follow up by constantly and consistently communicating it in your business.

Ultimately the better the follow up, the more likely you are to get the sale which means more customers for your business.